Ever since Apple launched the App Store, builders grand and small have gotten caught up in the company’s approval job and had their apps delayed or eliminated altogether. The popular messaging app Telegram is moral the latest, according to the company’s CEO Pavel Durov. On August 10th, Durov posted a message to his Telegram channel saying the app’s latest update had been caught in Apple’s review job for 2 weeks without any real be aware from the company about why it was held up. 

As remarkable by The Verge, the update was finally released yesterday, and Durov again took to Telegram to speak about what happened. The CEO says that Apple advised Telegram that it may well have to recall a new feature called Telemoji, which Durov described as “higher quality vector-animated variations of the standard emoji.” He integrated a preview of what they would discover like in his put up — they’re similar to the basic emoji set Apple makes use of, nonetheless with some fairly luscious animations that certainly may assist make messaging a little extra expressive. 

“That is a puzzling stagger on Apple’s behalf, because Telemoji would have brought an entire new dimension to its static low-resolution emoji and would have significantly enriched their ecosystem,” Durov wrote in his put up. It be not fully clear how this feature would enrich Apple’s overall ecosystem, nevertheless it composed appears like fairly the puzzling thing for Apple to bag caught up over, especially since Telegram already has a host of emoji and sticker alternatives that trail far past the default set explain in iOS. Certainly, Durov remarkable that there are extra than 10 new emoji packs in the latest Telegram update, and said the company will take the time to make Telemoji “even extra strange and recognizable.”

There are composed a lot of emoji-related enhancements in the latest Telegram update, although. The company says it’s launching an “originate emoji platform” where anyone can upload their cling set of emoji that of us who pay for Telegram’s top rate service can use. In case you are not a top rate user, you may composed be able to discover the personalized emoji and take a look at utilizing them in “saved messages” like reminders and notes in the app. The personalized emoji can be interactive as wisely — whenever you happen to tap on them, you are going to bag a full-conceal animated reaction. 

To make it easier to access all this, the sticker, GIF and emoji panel has been redesigned, with tabs for each of these reaction categories. This makes the iOS keyboard match up with the Android app as wisely as the web version of Telegram. There are also new privacy settings that will allow you to regulate who can send you video and speak messages: all individuals, contacts or no person. Telegram notes that, like its other privacy settings, you can set “exceptions” so that exclaim teams or of us can “always” or “never” send you speak or video messages. The new update — sans Telemoji — is available now.

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